How to Photograph Fireworks - Fireworks is one of the events at welcoming the new year party. It commonly done by most of the people around world, but it's good to capture this event, because every year the fireworks form would be different. Photographing fireworks is not as easy as you might think. But there are tricks to get the picture you expect. Followings are the tricks:
Do not guess direction fireworks
The difficulty in photographing fireworks is that we do not know where the fireworks will light up. So just point the lens up roughly where fireworks will light up, and set the zoom lens that can cover large areas (standard or kit zoom lens is ideal for this event), so you can shoot fireworks will light up anywhere. Thenedit the results in your computer.
Using tripod is a must
It seems this is mandatory, because we will be using slow shutter speed, 1 second or longer. Using a tripod will ensure it does not happen a shake of the camera in order to obtain sharper results. If you have the shutter release (either wired or wireless) take it and use it. With the shutter release, your eyes will be free to oversee the sky so your chances of obtaining a greater right moment.
Take advantage of the fixed objects in the composition
It could be a building, monument, or any building that would indicate where the photo was taken. In addition to marking the location, utilization of fixed objects can serve as a frame. See the picture above.
Use the largest camera resolution
Use the largest image size that can be produced with your camera. This is to support the goals of the two tips above, so when you crop an image, the image that has been cut is still good enough to print large size. Be ideal if the camera has a RAW feature, apply it!
Turn off autofocus
Because of the general condition of dark and lit fireworks just a moment, autofocus camera can become confused and lose the moment because it is not time to get focused. So you should set the focus on the farthest distance (infinity) then turn off the auto focus and switch to manual focusing. One more thing, do not forget when you change the zoom lens, set the new focus.
Turn off flash
Usually in the manual setting flash did not turn on. Just to make sure, because in these conditions the flash is useless, the short-range and could even worsen the picture for illuminating unnecessary areas. If using the internal flash, a charging may be a nuisance.
Exposure Setting Manually
Since we do not know 'where exactly' fireworks will explode, to be a fairly sharp picture in all the range we have gained a 'deep' Depth of Field. Exposure settings that I and also a lot of photographers used to apply are mentioned in the table above.
An asterisk (*) indicates the settings I tried with a DSLR camera with a small resolution. If you have a DSLR camera more than 10 MP resolution may sharper. Because this setting is opposed to the camera program that the program will compensate the aperture with the shutter speed, so it should be done with manual settings.
Take photos as much as you can
Do not review too long for their moment will be fast and time is limited, take the picture as much as possible. Moreover, you do not need to buy the celluloid film, do not limit yourself. The more you snap, at least the more good photos to be had. The results can be selected at home.
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